Wonderful Kola botanical known as (Buchholzia coriacea) is a perennial plant that grows on the tree belonging to the family Capparaceae.
Wonderful kola is a medicinal plant used in herbal medicine to cure all forms of diseases. It is a plant that must be present in any forms of natural remedies to boost the potency of the remedy.
The health benefits of wonderful kola are numerous because it cures many diseases like staph infections, fibroid, asthma, Irregular menstruation, infertility, heart diseases, in herbal medicine it is used to treat cough, waist pain, pile, stomach pain, backache, and chest pain. high blood pressure and many more. The seed is also said to improve memory, that it where the name memory nut originated from.
How to use wonderful kola to cure fibroid:
Fibroids are muscle tissues that grows on the uterine wall.
Grind 5 pieces of wonderful kola, add neems bark, the root, and leaves. soaked it in 4 liters of water for two days ti ferment. The recommended dose is a glass in the morning and another glass in the night for 8 weeks
Can Wonderful kola Cure Diabetics?
Yes, it can cure diabetics.The extracts from the seed of Buchhlozia coriacea has been reported to possess antidiabetic effect on diabetic mice. The methanolic extracts from the seed significantly lowered the high blood sugar level of the rat to a normal level.
For effective performance,
Grind 5 wonderful kola, garlic, scent leaves, bitter leaves, and small quantity of potash. Soak it in 2 liters of water for two days, take one shot times daily morning, afternoon and night.
Wonderful Kola and Fertility:
Wonderful kola helps in treating infertility, due to its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It is one of the herbs used to treat low sperm count and other forms of STDs that can cause infertility.
For ladies experiencing irregular and painful menstruation wonderful kola is said to treat that too.
For infertility related problems; irregular menstruation grinds 4 pieces of wonderful kola, 5 pieces of bitter kola and add of some ginger. Soak them in water for 2 days so that it will ferment. recommended dose is to take a shot twice daily, morning & night for 4 weeks
For treating impotency: Get three wonderful kola, cut it into pieces, prepare with water for two days, after that take a shot before breakfast and another shot after meal in the night for three days.
For ear disease: Grind a kola soak in water for a day, the next day, put two drops in each effected ear.
Typhoid and malaria: Get four wonderful kola, four ginger, four bitter kola cut them into pieces and prepare with two bottles of 7up *drink* for two days. Adult: two tablespoonful, children: one tablespoonful
Toothache: Get one kola, grind and put inside *gin* for some minutes, then put in your mouth by the affect area for three minutes and spit it out
Intestinal worms: Get 2 wonderful kola, grind and put in a tonic water for two days. Adult: two tablespoonful and Children: one tablespoonful, two times daily.
Rheumatism: Get four wonderful kola, four ginger, five bitter kola, 2 alligator pepper, scent leaf, pound together and prepare with water, soak it overnight, Take twice daily, morning and in the evening.
Gonorrhoea: Wonderful kola, potash, tobacco leaf, prepare with tonic water or normal water, overnight Take two tablespoonful, morning and at night.
Cholera: Buy 3 wonderful kola, prepare with lime juice and scent juice keave it for 2 days. Adult should take two tablespoonful; children, one tablespoon 4 times daily.
For whit-low: Grind one wonderful kola and put in lime juice to ferment, put your affected finger in it for ten minutes. Do it repeatedly daily until it disappears.
It has high antibiotic values;
Can Wonderful kola Cure Staph Infection?
Yes, it can be used in combination with other plants to cure staphylococcus aureus.