The Almighty God of heaven, the Creator of this universe and everything in it, has blessed and surrounded us with great herbs and plants that will help us to nuture, maintain and heal ourselves. It is only our ignorance that is standing between us and the healing or good health we desire/crave for!!
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. Genesis 1:29
Soursop is actually the name of a fruit that grows in the tropical region of the Americas and the Caribbean, as well as in Africa and Asia. It’s scientifically known as “Annona muricata” but among other names.
The fruit normally has green prickly skin with an ovoid shape that may range up to or more than 13 inches in length. The pulp of the fruit is usually thick and white to off-white in color.
The texture varies from soft to moderately firm that may be chewy at times. Let’s not forget that it has about ½-1 inch dark brown/black seeds totaling around 30 seeds and more sometimes within one soursop.
Soursop is an alkaline-forming food, which means it has an alkalizing effect on the body once it is digested and metabolized.
Ripe soursop will be light yellowish-green in color. When it is this color and soft to the touch, this indicates it is riped and ready to be eaten.
The taste of soursop fruit is a delicious combo of strawberry and pineapple and is most commonly eaten by cutting the fruit in half and scooping out the flesh.
The soft pulp and flesh of the fruit can be used in drinks, desserts, smoothies and even candy.
Actually the entire tree including the leaves, the bark and even the root has been used to cure a number of ailments. Along with the yummy flavour making this a popular fruit, the rich vitamin and nutrient content of the fruit makes it really beneficial to our health.
Soursop tea might not be as common as green or chamomile teas, but it does have some amazing health benefits. I want to share some of the wonderful benefits of this tea and its medicinal properties:
Some of the biggest health benefits that modern drinkers can absorb by turning to soursop leaves or fruit into tea, Juice and smoothies are;
. Boost immune system
. Fights Inflammation.
. Improves digestive system
. Stablises blood pressure
. Normalised blood sugar levels
. Prevents, fights and eliminates all kinds of cancer.
. Act as an analgesic
. Soothes back pain,
. relieves stress,
. Treats insomnia,
. Deals with depression and more
The juice of the soursop fruit can be a very effective diuretic as it can cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and remove excess toxins and salts from the body that often causes bloating.
It's anti-inflammatory components can reduce parasites in the gut and alleviate and pain or irritation in the stomach and colon.
In addition, soursop’s antiviral and anti-parasitic properties prevent intestinal worms and other parasites from infiltrating the gastrointestinal tract.
In terms of pain relief, soursop has been topically applied to wouds and injuries for generations but also works internally to relieve pain and speed healing. The sedative and anti-inflammatory aspects of this impressive tropical fruit makes it an ideal solution for all types of body pain both
The fiber in soursop has the potential to ease constipation. It also slows your digestion down and prevents you from craving sugary snacks by maintaining your blood sugar levels. Some research even claims that soursop fights heart disease by lowering high cholesterol levels.
Soursop contains high levels of potassium as well as a heaping quantity of iron. These ingredients work together to lower high blood pressure levels. Potassium promotes better blood circulation while iron helps regulate a normal heartbeat and tension.
Soursop is high in vitamin C, an antioxidant known to boost immune health. The vitamin strengthens your immune system, improving its ability to defend against pathogens. It also promotes the destruction of free radicals, which can help to protect your skin and cells from environmental oxidative damage.
Soursop contains vitamins: B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin) which is paramount for maintaining healthy blood cells and is also an antioxidant.
Soursop fruit has shown that it has haemorrhoids treating properties, contains antibacterial properties because it contains phytochemicals. It is also said to have special vitamins that help to boost male libido.
The most amazing potential health benefit of ingesting soursop leaf or the fruit is that soursop can treat, prevent, and possibly even cure cancer.
It is an alternative way of reducing the risk of cancer. It has been found to stop the growth and formation of cancer cells when a study looked at the effects of soursop extract on leukemia cells.
In breast cancer cells it was able to reduce tumour size, kill off cancer cells and enhance the activity of the immune system.
There are so many evidences that has proved that soursop can treat, prevent and possibly cure cancer like
Breast cancer
Prostate cancer
Skin cancer
Cancer tumors etc.
Soursop is a natural cancer killer, multiple times stronger and safer than chemotherapy.
Soursop has the ability to build and improve immune systems. Its high level of vitamin C helps fight pathogens while protecting your skin from oxidization damage. Vitamin C isn’t the only antioxidant in soursop. The fruit also contains:
. Phytosterols, which can reduce blood cholesterol levels
. Tannins, which contains antimicrobial effects
. Flavonoids, which regulate cellular activity and fight free radicals.
Free radicals in your body don’t just cause illness – they can also lead to stress and inflammation. The antioxidant properties in soursop tea don’t just help with your immune health. They also help with chronic conditions caused by inflammation, such as;
. Asthma
. Heart disease
. Diabetes
. Alzheimer’ disease
. Arthritis
Even if you aren’t dealing with one of the conditions listed here, drinking soursop tea can relieve tensions and spasms caused by injury or exercising.
Soursop is able to effectively kill off multiple types of bacteria, including strains that cause gingivitis, tooth decay and yeast infections.
The antiviral properties are effective for the treatment of Herpes. Herpes is a viral infection that affects the body and could be in the body for a lifetime.
The leaves are brewed to make a beverage that enhances sleep. In the holistic field, the leaves can also be put into one's pillowcase to enhance sleep,"
Where to buy soursop?
In Nigeria it is in the markets, people plant it in their compounds.
In some countries it can be challenging to find soursop in the grocery stores.
Some have luck finding it in their farmers or African markets. You can also buy organic soursop fruit and leaves online and get it shipped to you!
My next article will be on recipe for soursop smoothie, juice and tea.
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