Garlic works very well on inflammation, blocked vein, rheumatic or arthritic pain, and it is also very effective to remove toxins from the body which in turn help in blood circulation.
Sometimes the varicose vein pain and arthritic pain are unbearable and garlic is definitely a solution to get rid of these pains and their symptoms.
This type of natural remedy has been in existence right from the time of old.
When prophets used to hear God speak to them audibly and first hand.
Then Isaiah said, “Prepare a poultice of figs.” So they brought it and applied it to the boil, and Hezekiah recovered. 2 Kings 20:7
Get some cloves of garlic from the pantry cupboard.
Crush the garlic into paste
Put the garlic paste on a gauze
Apply as a compress or poultice to the surface of the skin, on the affected area.
Then cover with a light cotton bandage (An elastic crepe cotton bandage)
I know some will ask why an elastic crepe cotton bandage?
Elastic crepe cotton bandage doesn't restrict circulation when tied around injured or painful area.
Repeat this procedure for about 3 to 7 days.
Especially at nights because of the strong smell of garlic or during the day if you are not going out.
IG: natural_wellnessliving
Twitter: @yvonneuche
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